Seeing the new energy industry increasingly popular trend, but the current view, the new demand for energy in China, does not seem quite that strong. Experts have pointed out that China's demand for new energy sources is relatively low, but the supply is large, most of which as an export, the proportion of 40% -50%. Once a company surrounded them, they can not keep up domestic demand, the new energy of the bubble is likely to occur.
In solar energy, wind energy-related industries, some due to blindly follow the trend has been plunged into financial difficulties in sight.
Overview of "second five" power sector planning, you can clearly see that the state will hydropower, nuclear power, wind power and solar power and other clean energy sources for large-scale investment, while large-scale thermal power will give way, retreated to below 70% installed capacity, clean energy installed capacity will exceed 30%. Not long ago, the State Development Planning Division, Energy Bureau said Jiang Bing, from 2011 to 2020, China will increase investment in emerging energy industry total of 5 trillion yuan, annual output value of 1.5 trillion yuan to increase.
Back in September 2009, President Hu Jintao at the UN summit on climate change has made it clear that China by 2020, non-fossil fuels in primary energy consumption ratio to 15%. In the same year, Premier Wen Jiabao climate change conference in Copenhagen, solemnly declared to the world by 2020, China's unit of GDP than in 2005 carbon dioxide emissions by 40% -45%. Emission reduction targets for the completion, implementation of the Copenhagen meeting emission reduction commitments, new energy and renewable energy development and utilization of industry would be to focus on the development of China's energy future.
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